focused on the old world feeds and practices
Including dried Mash from Bourbon Distilleries added to exact formulations of feed ingredient, proprietary minerals, vitamins, and prebiotics.
"The uniqueness of American Tajima Wagyu™ is over 6 years in the making through breeding of the best Tajima genetics, old world feeding, and pampered on the best farms in the US. The results are unmatched tenderness and sweetness of flavor that linger on the palate for the ultimate experience."
Lawrence Adams
President, Amercian Tajima
Marbled flavor from Japanese bloodlines
Holistically raised on local family farms
All-Natural No hormones or antibiotics
Sustaining generations of family farms
Tajima originally hail from the Hyogo Prefecture in Japan and are responsible for the best beef in the world.
“American Tajima Wagyu™” celebrates the heritage of the Hyogo Prefecture. Tajima are Japanese black wagyu and recognized as the highest marbling genetic line of all Wagyu cattle.
Raised in Navarre, Ohio, American Tajima stands tall and proud with other world-famous Wagyu brands by
featuring a MarbliciousTM buttery flavor and tenderness that melts in
your mouth. The aim is to raise our Wagyu cattle holistically by providing the utmost care in an all-natural,
stress-free humane environment, giving them proprietary feed
rations that are custom to each growing and finishing stage, resulting
in remarkable quality. Through legendary Japanese Tajima genetics,
nutrition, and outstanding husbandry skills, we strive to produce
Bourbon fed wagyu that is exceptionally marbled and provides a rich
umami taste and tenderness, with marbling that is higher in
monounsaturated fat (MUFA) due to the high concentration of oleic
acid. MUFA’s are considered a heart healthy fat, because they have
very little impact on cholesterol, and they can lower LDL-cholesterol
(bad cholesterol), while increasing HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol),
ultimately lowering the risk of heart attack or stroke.

American Tajima are fed a proprietary ration focused on the old world feeds and practices which include dried Mash from Bourbon Distilleries added to exact formulations of feed ingredient, proprietary minerals, vitamins, and prebiotics.
The desire for the ultimate Wagyu is driven by the partnership of Adams, Pang, Hondros, and Fluharty with combined Wagyu experience of over 70 years perfecting genetics, production, feed, and carcass quality to provide the ultimate Full Blood dining experience that is MarbeliciousTM.